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At the Raining Day

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Thursday, 28 January 2010


when you need someone to help you in your problem, you beg for their help and they helped.. once they're no longer useful for you, you throw or put them aside.. also, when you need for their helps again, you will feel regret after putting them aside without caring their feelings.. is everyone like that or is it only me doing it.. i think it's myself.. somehow i really don't know how to face them properly.. i felt like the most stupidest person in this world.. only know how to use people but not helping my own self nor helping others.. i'm sick of myself.. God, what is my life being here?? I really wonder.. no matter what i have done, surely it's a wrong thing.. and when it comes to making something better, it became worst than before.. i'm not surprise that most of the people dislike me and i admit that all i did is totally wrong.. isn't it better to just communicate through msn.. it's easier 'cause you won't see any unhappy, sad, angry faces and etc.. sometimes i thinks that God has given two roads to me but i don't know which road to take.. well, i rather not taking both of the roads and open another road by myself walking alone through that path without anyone ..