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At the Raining Day

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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Perhaps?! or so ....

Knowing this very person was a stranger to me but one day appears in my life..
Seeing this person at first sight during an orphan camp and said 'hmmm....'
And thought what 'if' things was not the way it was but the other...
Did not realized the year after everything was not the way I wanted but oh well..
If that person could be happy, why not keep it as it was..
Millions of thoughts wondering through my mind of why or what if chance were given..
But of all the years has gone, God has not gave a hint of anything nor giving that person as well..
So decided to forget as things end up being 'close/best buddy' who understands each other..
Although it was not the way I wanted, truly am blessed to have such good friend to walk with me through hard times as well as happy times~
As I do treasure our friendship and hoping for the best for you with your loved ones ><

I Love You. Muacks!

Friday 10 January 2014

a sudden recall..

I finally understand knowing how much I could easily hurt someones' heart by just doing that..
if vice versa, I would too be hurt..
my very action is so selfish and not considering anyone's feeling but my own..
no matter what I do now could not replace anything..
in return, this is what I get from everything I had done..
as I don't seem to be happy in what I do or where I go now..
I do hope to disappear as I deserve it very much..
However, I do felt being centered out from everyone through the words I say..
and the ways or things I do too..
I am willing to take the blames instead of blaming others..
All I want to say is I am truly sorry for my very stubborn actions.  

Tuesday 5 November 2013





      城市的灯火依旧亮着,不曾歇息过,霓虹灯闪烁出了我的孤独。习惯一个人在这样的夜晚徘徊于城市的大街小巷,除了身后拖着的那道长长的影子,还有什么东西 与我作伴。其实很寂寞,其实很难受,看着别人都成双成对的牵着手一起散步,孤单的心怎能不泛起一丝波澜,可是为了那个人,那个我愿意用一生的时间去守护的 人,我愿意守着孤独,守着寂寞。   
         光棍,不是对爱没有企求,不是对异性没有好感。只是为了那个人,甘愿将一切都埋藏在心里,甘愿在别人的嘲笑中一个人孤独的挺过。因为他们相信,自己放弃 一切,甘心付出那么多的时间去等待,去承受孤独与寂寞的折磨,终会等到那一个人,他们相信现在的苦痛只是暂时的,他们相信,付出终会得到回报。他们不求回 报的付出,只希望可以感动那个人,他们相信终有一天会得到幸福.






   单身,并不是没有人喜欢,没有人要.只是为了那个人,他们不愿意去采摘路边那向他们招手的花朵,不愿意用不是真爱的爱来结束自己的单身,他们一直努力 着,一直奋斗着,他们不在乎别人是否知道,不在乎别人是否理解,他们只想靠自己的付出走到目的地,然后摘下那朵一直开在心里的真爱之花.


Tuesday 1 October 2013


I'm tired of crying.
I'm tired of yelling.
I'm tired of being sad.
I'm tired of pretending.
I'm tired of being alone.
I'm tired of being angry.
I'm tired of feeling crazy.
I'm tired of feeling stuck.
I'm tired of needing help.
I'm tired of remembering.
I'm tired of missing people.
I'm tired of feeling worthless.
I'm tired of feeling empty inside.
I'm tired of not being able to let go.
I'm tired of wishing I could start over.
I'm tired of dreaming of a life I will never have.
But most of all, I'm just tired of being tired.

Friday 2 August 2013

The Notebook of Life

A life could not be as perfect as it seems..
Sometimes unconditionally you would not know which steps they would choose to take;
The unpredictable but the obvious look thoroughly their expressions as you already knew what their answer.
As you might have thought maybe the reasons behind their answer was literally because of you.
You would try so hard to convince yourself of all the circumstances that you were not;
and trying whatsoever ways to gain the worth of you to them.
So many cares of what they think and do.. does it bother you so much as you would do anything for them?
To me, probably you would but what if friends who were so much better and accepting of what and as who you were. 

P.S. Don't Let Your Ears Witness What Your Eyes Didn't See, Don't Let Your Mouth Speak What Your Heart Doesn't Feel.